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total 90
Tesioao, 25
Ariana, 29
New York
I am very kind in nature, very fair in color, black hair honest and romantic, with a stand about 5. 7 ft height and 72 kg weight. I am seeking to me...
Briana02, 35
FOR...YOU!*** HOT!***HOT!***HOT !** My face says I`m pretty...my body says I`m sexy... my soul says I`m beautiful
stancey, 33
New York
Ahoj, mám zájem o navázání recipročního profesionálního vztahu s vámi. Bylo mi potěšením se s vámi setkat a věřím, že ze spolupráce můžeme těžit. Nev...
render, 31
New York Mills
Shalom, everyone! My name is Render Brown, and I'm sending warm greetings all the way from the USA, . It's an absolute delight to join this incredibl...
jennyella, 33
California City
Please pardon me for invading your privacy, I was just searching through the dating site when I came across your lovely profile and nice photos, So I...
jessenia, 29
Most importantly, I would like to tell you about myself, so that's what I'm a normal girl with a bright and clean heart and soul. I always stay by it...
rita, 36
Hradec Kralove
Ahoj milí přátelé, zdravím vás z vojenské základny,pošlete mi prosím ur e-mail napište mi na můj e-mail (ritaou587@gmail.c0m) lásko Rád vás poznávám ...
Emily, 35
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