Hľadám niekoho, s kým by som sa stretol. Nerád vymieňam fotografie alebo dokážem veľa špinavých rozprávaní. Zlomilo mi srdce a chcem preskúmať nové v...
Jsem laskavá a starostlivá žena, vášnivá a bezstarostná, velmi se starám o blaho lidí, jsem otevřená žena a nemám v sobě žádnou zlobu, ráda zacházím ...
I am a simple person and believe in honesty and transparency in relationship. I like to listen to music, read articles related to technology, health ...
I am a simple person and believe in honesty and transparency in relationship. I like to listen to music, read articles related to technology, health ...
I am a good looking girl caring, loving and understanding. I am a very humble girl, easy going, very friendly and I love to open my heart to the righ...
I wish to meet my soulmate and life partner, i don't know what will be, But i am ready to give out my heart to any man who can prove to me that he is...